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Bartender Utensilien

4 drinks to survive Dry January

Bartender Utensilien

4 drinks to survive Dry January

December is one of, if not the, most alcoholic month of the year. For many, this is an incentive to take part in Dry January and abstain from alcohol for a month. We have already explained to you, ...

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Alkoholfrei vs. ohne Alkohol

What are the differences between alcohol-free and 0.0%?

 Alcohol-free does not mean without alcohol Alcohol-free does not mean that a drink is 100% free of alcohol. What, there's a difference?"  Yes, there is! The two terms  alcohol-free  and  ...

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alkoholfreier Breakfast Martini mit Maracuja

Breakfast Martini – Better brunch with non-alcoholic drinks

The Breakfast Martini is a classic for all early risers and late bedtime makers. The internationally renowned bartender Salvatore Calabrese invented the twist on the Martini drink in 1997 and used ...

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alkoholfreier Cocktail mit Himbeeren und Flasche Laori Juniper No 1

Laori Pleaser – the non-alcoholic raspberry cocktail

June is not only the start of summer, but also of the raspberry season. We can therefore enjoy the small pink-red fruit until the first frost in late autumn. To match this, we at Laori have been wo...

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French 75 alkoholfrei mit Laori Juniper No 1

French 75 - the non-alcoholic champagne cocktail

The French 75 is one of the classic cocktails and is a drink for gin lovers! The juniper-based mixture was very popular in the golden twenties because the drink was refined with champagne. The drin...

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Fresh mint meets champagne. In the Old Cuban, the gentle vanilla notes of Laori Spice No 02 make the noble drink non-alcoholic.

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zwei leere Gläser

What is Dry January?

Where does Dry January come from? What are the reasons for participating in Dry January? Does participating in Dry January mean that you have to forgo pleasure? The new year is just around the corn...

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5 Gründe für Dry January

5 Positive Benefits of Dry January

Why is it a good idea to enjoy a month without alcohol? We give you five positive benefits for you and your well-being, why Dry January is a good idea.  1. Increased  physical  Health 🏃‍♀️ Alcohol ...

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alkoholfreier Gin & Juice mit Laori Juniper No 1

Gin & Juice - the non-alcoholic cocktail with pomegranate

Gin & Juice is not a drink that takes forever to prepare. As the name suggests, it is essentially gin with juice. Gin & Juice does have this certain lightness in common with other drinks, b...

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Bitter-Aperitif mit Orangensaft - alkoholfrei

Campari orange juice is made alcohol-free with Laori Ruby No 4

Campari O is characterized by its bitter aromas and mild freshness. Two ingredients make the drink perfect, Campari and orange juice. With Laori Ruby  No 4 you can mix the same taste experience in ...

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